Tummy Tuck

Loose skin and excess fat in the abdominal area can be an enormous problem. Men and women may find themselves working endlessly to tighten the midsection through diet and exercise, only to be left feeling frustrated and disappointed. If you have lost a significant amount of weight and want to reach your goal of a tight tummy, the team at Foothill Cosmetic Surgery Center has the procedures that can further your progress. One of the best ways to improve the physique dramatically is with abdominoplasty.

Abdominoplasty is better known as the tummy tuck. This procedure has long been performed on its own and it is an integral part of the Mommy Makeover process through which new moms regain confidence in and satisfaction with their bodies.

There are a number of reasons for considering abdominoplasty, including:

  • Excess skin and fat in the midsection are causing health concerns such as skin irritation or back pain
  • Your desired shape has not come from diet and exercise, and your weight has been stable for a year or more

Those best served with the tummy tuck procedure are non-smokers or are willing to stop smoking weeks before their procedure, as well as committed to healthy habits throughout the healing process. Following the tummy tuck, patients are also encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes nutritious foods and adequate exercise, which promotes long-lasting results.

What is abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty is the surgical removal of mild to moderate amounts of excess skin and fat from the midsection. Three different approaches may be taken to improve the appearance of the abdomen.

When a full tummy tuck is performed, small incisions are made near the bikini line, allowing the surgeon to remove excess surface skin selectively. The underlying abdominal muscle tissue is also tightened. As needed, the belly button is strategically repositioned to retain the most natural appearance after healing.

Not every person will need a full abdominoplasty to achieve their desired look. In some cases, a mini-abdominoplasty may be performed with or without liposuction. This more conservative procedure tightens skin that has lost its elasticity as well as the mildly lax abdominal muscle. It will not reposition the belly button.

In some cases, excess fat and loose skin has extended around the hips and to the back. In the circumferential abdominoplasty procedure, these areas may also be addressed. Liposuction may also be involved in this tummy tuck surgery.

The best way to find out if abdominoplasty is right for you is to consult with an experienced, reputable surgeon who has performed many such procedures. To schedule your consultation with the physician other physicians send their families to; call Foothill Cosmetic Surgery Center in Glendora.

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Foothill Cosmetic Surgery Center


9:00 AM-4:00 PM


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9:00 AM-4:00 PM


9:00 AM-4:00 PM


9:00 AM-4:00 PM



